Brennu-Njáls saga / The Story of the burning of Njáll DVD
Brennunjáls saga / The Story of the burning of Njáll DVD
Njal's Saga (also known as "Brennu-Njáls saga" or "The Story of the Burning of Njáll") is arguably the most famous of the Sagas of Icelanders. Among Icelanders, the saga is most often referred to simply as Njála.
This documentary film includes:
30 min drama film from the part of Njáls saga where it tells the Robbery in "Kirkjubaer" and the interaction between "Gunnar" from "Hlidarenda" and the brothers Otkell and Skammkell.
Plus a 30 min documentary about this part of the story and its many meanings.
Subtitles: English
Hilmir Snær Guðnason, Ingvar E Sigurðsson, Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir, Benedikt Erlingsson, Helgi Björnsson, Arnar Jónsson og Pétur Einarsson.