Nóa Karamellukurl/ Caramel bits / 150 gr
Nóa Karamellukurl/ Caramel bits / 150 gr
Nói Síríus 100 year old manufacturer. Nói Síríus is a family-owned chocolate and confection manufacturer in Iceland that was founded in 1920.
Nói Síríus is Iceland's biggest candy producer and its candies have been a traditional part of camping trips since 1933, along with stockfish. T
he company produces Tópas and Opal, "fresh breath products" known for being somewhat bitter and soothing a sore throat with menthol and eucalyptus, as well as pastilles, sugar twists, assorted chocolates (a Christmas tradition) and Easter eggs.
The chocolates come in dark and milk chocolate varieties as well as bars with nuts and raisins, whole hazelnuts, raisins and liquorice chips.
The company also produces a "Little Imps" lines for children that includes "candy covered chocolate drops, hot and spicy pepper drops, fruity jellies with a candy shell or colourful little gum drops".