Veður - Deck Builder Game
Vedur is a part of The Nordic Heritage collection. It is a set of 3 games that take place in Iceland and Scandinavia during medieval times. Although the games themselves are fictional, the theme and background inspiration for each game is based on actual stories, rumors, artifacts and the heritage from the era. „If you don´t like Icelandic weather, just wait for 5 minutes.“ You have for sure heard about it. But if you could predict the weather? Play as a one of the Seers and learn more about Icelandic weather phenomenons in an informative booklet, which is included in the box.
Vedur is an action selection deck-builder game for 2 – 4 players, ages 14 years and older. There are two versions of the game, the Basic and Advanced games. The playing time is about 10 minutes per player in the basic game and 20 minutes per player in the advanced game.
In Vedur, players take on the role of one of the 4 village Seers, each having their way of foreseeing and accumulating their visions of the future to reveal their weather prophecies.
They visit their village townsfolk to search for omens that they can use to predict the weather powerfully and reliably through ancient omen lore, rituals, and spirit-talking. They can even open a portal to their preferred spirit realm, seeking aid directly from the elemental spirits.
When the King is content, he will call the most accurate Seer to the court to become his new High-seer.
May the most resourceful Seer prevail!