OTTOLINA - Buongiorno Coffee Beans (1000 gr.)
OTTOLINA - Buongiorno Beans 1 kg
A Cup Full of Aroma.
Originating from Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, and Vietnam, Buongiorno is a captivating blend that harmonizes 3 Arabica bean varieties with 2 Robusta selections.
This medium-dark blend is crafted with a higher proportion of robusta beans, infusing each cup with a pronounced character. Buongiorno is the perfect companion for your morning coffee ritual.
Composition: 60% Arabica and 40% Robusta beans, expertly medium-roasted to perfection.
Awaken your senses with Buongiorno Beans. Ottolina Coffee offers you a one-kilogram package that encapsulates the enchanting essence of a new day. Embrace the invigorating aroma and seize each moment with the vigor of Buongiorno."
Fullur bolli af ilmi.
Kaffið kemur frá Brasilíu, Kólumbíu, Eþíópíu, Indlandi og Víetnam. Þrjár tegundir Arabica bauna og tveggja Robusta bauna. Þessi meðal dökka blanda er útbúin með hærra hlutfalli af robusta baunum. Blandan er tilvalin til að hafa í morgunkaffinu. Innihald, 60% arabica og 40% Robusta baunir. Meðalristað.