Candle / Bústaður from Soley
This candle diffuses a bouquet of fresh and vibrant fragrances. It is composed of vegetable- and beeswax to burn cleanly in your home and spread a lovely scent.
The Icelandic poem, printed on the glass jar, is by Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir.
bústaður ég eignast kannski einhvern tíma hús í grafarvogi raðhús með sléttu númeri eða íbúð með sérmerktu bílastæði þá skiptir mig engu hvort sími sé í svefn- herberginu stutt níður í þvottahús eða hvort koma megi ryksugu í forstofuskápinn ég geri þá kröfu eina að gólfefnin verði borgfirskur mosi útveggir jökulsárgljúfur og loftþiljur himinninn yfir herðurbreið - Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir
Residence Perhaps one day I’ll have a house in Grafarvogur an even numbered townhouse or an apartment with private parking then I don’t care if there is a telephone in the bedroom a shortcut to the laundry or if the vacuum cleaner fits into the hall closet my only demand is that the flooring be moss from Borgarfjörður the outwalls Jökulsárgljúfur and the ceiling panel the Herðubreið mountain sky - Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir (Translation by Halla Helgadóttir)
180 gr.