The 17th of June is the Icelandic National Day and is celebrated annually to commemorate Iceland's independence from Denmark in 1944. It is the country's biggest holiday and a day of national pride and celebration.
The day is marked with various festivities and events throughout the country, including parades, concerts, speeches, and other cultural events. The largest parade is held in the capital city, Reykjavik, and is attended by thousands of people.
The day begins with the raising of the Icelandic flag at 10 a.m. in all towns and villages across the country. This is followed by the singing of the Icelandic national anthem, which is an important part of the celebration. The anthem, called "Lofsöngur," was written by the Icelandic poet Matthías Jochumsson and is sung to the tune of a traditional Icelandic hymn.
After the flag-raising ceremony, people gather in public places to celebrate with food, drink, and music. Traditional Icelandic foods, such as grilled lamb, fish, and skyr (a type of Icelandic yogurt), are often served at these gatherings.
In addition to the festivities, the day is also an opportunity for Icelanders to reflect on their nation's history and achievements. Many people attend lectures and exhibitions about Iceland's history and culture, and the day is often used to promote Icelandic values and traditions.
Overall, the 17th of June is an important day for Icelanders, as it provides an opportunity to celebrate their nation's independence and identity, and to come together as a community to honor their history and culture.
Here is the full text of the Icelandic national anthem "Lofsöngur" in Icelandic:
Ó, guð vors lands! Ó, lands vors guð!
Vér lofum þitt heilaga, heilaga nafn!
Úr sólkerfum himnanna hnýta þér krans
þínir herskarar, tímanna safn.
Fyrir þér er einn dagur sem þúsund ár
og þúsund ár dagur, ei meir:
eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár,
sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr.
:; Íslands þúsund ár, ;:
eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár,
sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr.
Ó, guð, ó, guð! Vér föllum fram
og fórnum þér brennandi, brennandi sál,
guð faðir, vor drottinn frá kyni til kyns,
og vér kvökum vort helgasta mál.
Vér kvökum og þökkum í þúsund ár,
því þú ert vort einasta skjól.
Vér kvökum og þökkum með titrandi tár,
því þú tilbjóst vort forlagahjól.
:; Íslands þúsund ár, ;:
voru morgunsins húmköldu, hrynjandi tár,
sem hitna við skínandi sól.
Ó, guð vors lands! Ó, lands vors guð!
Vér lifum sem blaktandi, blaktandi strá.,
Vér deyjum, ef þú ert ei ljós það og líf,
sem að lyftir oss duftinu frá.
Ó, vert þú hvern morgun vort ljúfasta líf,
vor leiðtogi í daganna þraut
og á kvöldin vor himneska hvíld og vor hlíf
og vor hertogi á þjóðlífsins braut.
:; Íslands þúsund ár, ;:
verði gróandi þjóðlíf með þverrandi tár,
sem þroskast á guðsríkis braut.
And here is an English translation of the Icelandic national anthem:
O God of our land! O our land's God! We praise thy holy, holy name! From the solar systems of the heavens, you weave a crown for yourself. Your two rulers, Time and Thought, Lead your creatures to greatness. Before you, one day is like a thousand years, And a thousand years are like one day; A small flower of eternity with trembling tears, That worships its God and dies. Beautiful, fair land of ours, Our hearts are filled with fervent love for thee; We love your fields, your mountains, bright fjords, Your glacial rivers, which set the sea free. Anointed by the sun, the air pure and healthy, And in the peace of Eden's garden, With bounteous gifts - give to us, God, And make us equal to our task. Send forth your spirit of wisdom into the hearts of all men, A spirit of healing and peace, So that you may continue to grow in strength, in praise, and in honor. So that you may continue to grow in strength, in praise, and in honor
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